FAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions for graduate students in the event of a strike
1. If the union decides to go on strike, will McMaster remain open?
Yes. McMaster University will remain open should the union decide to strike. Campus will remain open and services and supports such as libraries, the Student Wellness Centre, athletics and food services will continue to be provided to our campus community. All graduate teaching and graduate research facilities will also remain open.
2. Who would be on strike?
CUPE 3906, Unit 1, represents part-time Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants (who hold a research assistantship in lieu of a teaching assistantship) at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. All other university employees will remain on the job should CUPE 3906, Unit 1, decide to strike.
3. How can I stay updated on this situation?
Updates will be shared on Daily News and through the university’s social media channels. Graduate students should also continue to monitor their McMaster email accounts for updates.
4. Will my graduate courses still run if there is a strike?
Graduate courses will continue during a strike. Any changes to the schedule, delivery or course activities will be communicated by your instructor.
5. Will research and clinical activities continue during a strike?
All expectations around research, labs and clinical setting remain in place.
6. Who would be on strike? happens if I miss a class or I am late for a graduate lecture, committee meeting, examination or research meeting because I can’t get onto campus due to pickets?
Should the union decide to strike, you should give yourself additional time to get to and from campus. Please contact your instructor for support if you are delayed or miss a lecture. If campus access impacts your attendance at a committee meeting, examination, clinical activity or research meeting, please contact your supervisor or program chair.
7. Will the strike impact test or examination schedules, including comprehensive examinations, or formats?
You should assume that your tests and exams will continue to be held as planned unless you receive other information directly from your instructor. Instructors will inform you as soon as possible if there are changes to your test or exam format or a change in location. Note that deadlines will not be moved earlier as a result of strike action.?Please remember to leave extra commuting time to get to exams if they are in person. In the unfortunate instance that you miss an exam, you must contact your instructor directly.
8. Will clinical activities, practicums, internships, and co-op placements continue during a strike?
Yes, they continue during a strike.
9. What services and supports are available to graduate students who may need them?
All services and supports listed on the graduate community resources page will continue to be offered, including wellness and mental health supports.
Information for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants
1. How does a strike impact me if I am both a graduate student and a TA/RA?
Graduate students who hold positions as Teaching Assistants or Research Assistants in lieu would not see any changes to their status as graduate students. All academic expectations and responsibilities around your programs remain in the event of a strike. These include graduate courses, research, clinical placements, or other as appropriate for your particular graduate program. You would be expected to continue attending scheduled classes and exams and to complete coursework by posted deadlines. You should also continue conducting research as agreed with your graduate supervisor.
2. If the union calls a strike, what are my rights as a TA or RA in lieu of TA?
The university respects your rights as a member of a bargaining unit, which includes your right to participate in a legal strike. You also have a right to choose to continue working as a TA or RA and to not participate in a strike.
3. What if I need services and supports?
Supports and resources normally available to you as a graduate student would continue to be offered in the event of a strike, including all graduate community resources. In your role as a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant, the university would continue to ensure you have access to the Employee & Family Assistance Program, regardless of whether you choose to participate in a strike. There are also additional resources available online through Employee Health, Safety & Wellbeing.